
Lesenta Insecticide


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Product Description: Lesenta Insecticide features a powerful blend of two active ingredients, Imidacloprid and Fipronil, delivering a dual mode of action to combat persistent agricultural challenges. This innovative solution offers potent control at low doses, addressing long-standing issues encountered by farmers.

Technical Content:

Lesenta Insecticide comprises Imidacloprid 40% and Fipronil 40% w/w WG (80 WG), ensuring a comprehensive approach to pest management.


  1. Tailored for effective white grub control.
  2. Dual-action chemistry targets pests through systemic and ingestion/contact routes.
  3. Extended persistence ensures sustained control.
  4. Demonstrated plant growth enhancement effect, leading to improved yields.
  5. Dual Plant Growth Enhancement (PGE) fosters robust root development, vibrant foliage, and increased yield potential.

Usage: Mode of Action:

  • Imidacloprid: Acts as an antagonist to the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor, disrupting signal transmission in the insect’s central nervous system, ultimately leading to insect mortality. Classified by the Insecticide Resistance Action Committee (IRAC) as No. 4A.
  • Fipronil: Functions primarily as an ingestion toxicant, with supplementary contact activity, disrupting nerve impulse transmission in pests.

Target Crops and Pests:

Sugarcane: Targets white grubs at the root level, applied through drenching or coating methods. Dosage: 100g per acre.

Note: Lesenta Insecticide is exclusively formulated for sugarcane use. A minimum waiting period of approximately 300 days is recommended before consuming sugarcane produce treated with this product.



40 gms, 100 gms, 400 gms (pack of 40 gms × 10)


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