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Product Description: Roundup Herbicide stands as one of Bayer agrochemicals’ most successful and widely used products. As a non-selective herbicide, it offers effective weed control with rapid action.

Technical Specifications:

  • Technical Content: Glyphosate 41% SL
  • Mode of Entry: Contact herbicide
  • Mode of Action: Roundup Herbicide, a post-emergent herbicide, eliminates plants after they emerge from the soil. Its non-selective nature means it can target most plant types. Glyphosate, its active ingredient, inhibits EPSP synthase enzyme, crucial for aromatic amino acid synthesis in plants, disrupting their metabolism and leading to gradual death.

Key Features and Benefits:

  • Broad-Spectrum Control: Effective against both annual and perennial weeds.
  • Targets Broad-Leaved Weeds & Grasses: Offers comprehensive weed elimination.
  • Quick Rain Fastness: Withstands rain within 2 hours of application.

Usage and Suitable Crops:

Recommended Crops Target Weed Dosage / Acre (Litre) Dilution In Water (L) Dosage (Ml) / Litre Of Water Waiting Period From Last Spray To Harvest (Days)
Tea Various including Axonopus compresus, Cynodon dactylon, Imperate cylindrica, Polygonum perforiatum, Paspalum scrobiculatum, Arundinella bengalensis, Kalm grass 1 – 1.2 200 5 – 6 21
Non Cropped Area Sorghum helipense, other dicot and monocot weeds 1 – 1.2 200 5 – 6
Rice Various including Echinochloa crusgalli, Echinochloa colonum, Cyperus iria, Eclipta alba, Marsilia quadrifoliata 1 200 5

Method of Application: Ground level spray on young newly emerged weeds

Additional Information:

  • For Rice pre-plant application, apply before planting rice crop (at least 3 days before) when weeds have emerged. Do not apply in standing Rice crop.

Disclaimer: This information is provided for reference purposes only. Always follow the recommended application guidelines outlined on the product label and accompanying leaflet.


500 ml, 1 ltr, 20 ltr, 250 ml, 3 ltr (pack of 1 ltr × 3), 5 ltr, 10 ltr (pack of 1 ltr × 10)


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